Monday, August 1, 2011


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         In more meaningful way ; in more effective way ; in more beautiful way ; keep smiling ; keep mind open ; take care ; coming in large horde ; I try my best to justified myself ; carry on with self perception ; surge ahead ; lag behind ; pave the way ; cleave to your goal ; give me new lease of life ; not because of -----but because of ; you not only have to--------but you have to ; whole gamut of emotion ; intelligence, humor, generosity, empathy etc are a heady cocktail for a good sexual teaser ; self-worth ; have a knock for ; I could not understand you properly ; sometime your comments are encouraging & sometime your comments are deflating ; extend your social circle ; widening your social circle ; just the tip of iceberg ; make the huge difference ; gush of sympathy ; across the large swathe ; perfect blend of practical and emotional ; touch the whole gamut of ; no option left ; not a bad choice ;  spoil for the choice ; place in history ; this idea is difficult to come around ; close to heart ; rather hard to come by ; initial gush of  sympathy ; pave the way ; no mood to relent ; impeccable judgment ; rumor is doing the round ; I would rather choose ; open waste vistas of opportunity ;  last resort;  act of providence ; risk-aversion ; more than usual ; enriching experience ; oozing with confidence ; pressing need ; crying need ; serve little purpose ; sedentary lifestyle ; changing faster than ever ; the need of the hour ; in a big way ; precisely ; more importantly ; significantly ; generally ; usually ; relish the present ; clamoring for  ; sense of intrinsic ; put together ; savor the moment ; lost penchant ; as far as market is concern ; whether or not ; Midas touch ; so far ; as well ; ever seen ; ever before ; long lasting impact ; sense of urgency ; fastidious to detail ; impinge on ; hinge on ; in several way ; I am quite contend with my life; in good measure ; render advice ; give greater leeway ; dissolve the ego ; I am well aware of the fact ; despite the fact ; get well soon ; make sure ; please take the seat ; by the way ; settle the bill or you can say foot the bill ; as usual ; right now ; instead of ; despite the fact ; how often ; can you imagine ; each of us ;first of all; in the long run; no matter how much; shortly after; I don’t want any more ; hardly likely; make it less likely;  hard to imagine;
 Have you ever seen; correction is round the corner; rather than; strike a proper balance;    
More than once; therefore; in the other words; there is no clear cut distinction; matter of faith; matter of time; even more important; taken into account; actually I derived my power from myself ; loom large; spell good news; come to term with their problems ; show repentance ; stray from the path ; deviate from the path ; stumble in the future ;
For my spiritual well being; for my physical well being; you are looking beautiful as you once was; noting ever stay the same; ever seen; to certain extent; to great extent; to some extent; more than few; he is hard to please person; oblivious to surrounding; get used to;  
You have to make yourself with cool-heads and discreet tongues; what account for India success? Impending danger; yield better result; far larger; but it will in any case fall ; I’m far from sure; reserve for rainy days or darker days; expenditure always keep below your income ; we will win  the match not by one or the other but by the combination ; runaway victory; add elegance; chose wisely; depend on your taste; with or without any reason; I can do anything expect control the weather ; Are you being funny?; Well , of all the nerve!!; lag behind from; forge ahead; way ahead; road ahead; impossible to overcome;  would rather choose; alive and kicking; all of a sudden; I would be grateful…….; I prefer; I would require………; in advance; in conformity with; all the day long; wad off bad smell; its excellent way; equally impossible; There is no other way; she speak in a harsh tone; problems erupts again at any give time; I don’t want anything anymore; his attempts have always met with failure; pose no problems; she pulled off garland; flagged down the taxi; why he did what he did; party is in full swing; you are looking nothing less than gorgeous; One might not expect a………; in general and in specific; odious possibility; do your part; How does?; Where does?; make sure that ; do proceed; Do you mind me asking how old are you? Of course……..; Despite our differences; Despite the fact; lessen the severity of; make the difference; reconcile the difference; make huge difference; make little difference; zip the lip; smell musty; comes into force; comes into existence; unlike; whether; matter of concern; its excellent idea; heavy rain; secure place in final; virtually impossible; utterly successful; as far as; as well as; come into effect; burst into laughter; as soon as; have a good effect on; light rain; barely see; heavy rely on; cultural diversity; put in place; play a vital role; at the same time; cumulative impact;
I feel chafe at restriction; militate against; slowly but surly; put emphasis on; access denied; cognitive repair; very relevant in; no matter how long its takes; not world-shaking but I considered it worthwhile; defining movement in my life; walked out on me; a certain savior-fair that comes from living with the best; dampening impact; this bike consisted no seat; PM flanked by lot of security guards; claim responsibility; Either Government or Administration are……..; neither you or me……..; wholly or partially;
Strike a proper balance; you could not impaired my enthusiasm; group efforts; galaxy of religious teachers; well-known religion; very conducive to understand; very conducive to work with; dent my confidence; its excellent time; failed dismally; part and parcel; waging wars; hobbled my projects; slashed rates; taking toll; ditched him; Gandhi revered as father of nation; assuming office; believe it or not; I personally believe; doing well; auger well; thanks to….; cheerful disposition; despite the intelligence you have ; cope with problems; this step in right direction; in cahoots with; ever did; ever seen; ever make; ever recognize; in that regard; I try my best to convince him; crashing the party; would you mind; play a active role; resorted to; fighting for existence; he is social in limited way; sometime I become selfish in the limited way; I am in high sprit; he is such a intelligent person indeed; she is such a gorgeous girl indeed; reputation formidable; intelligence formidable; unimpeachable reputation; no longer; yet more; long opposed; insist on; far and wide; hire and fire; riddled with; negative connotation; positive connotation; give a important role; means little for me; carry out duties; he represent himself in such a manner that I cant reject him; eat humble pie; pie in sky; intend to eat humble pie; forced to eat humble pie; courage of one’s conviction; undergo a sea change; if you want to do study forgo marriage plan; stand in my way; one possible way; How far it is true?; He swap his lifestyle for a girl; along with; retreated from; receded from; under its wing; wriggle out of; do me a favors or not; shrugs off; stop grumbling about; he sounded very convincing; convincing evidences; take advantage; imposing on; its still far from clear what action the government proposed to(intend to) take over the affair………;
Chosen to be; what vegetable you proposed to make? ; destined to happen; remain intact; still intact; left intact; I like the way you converse with someone; in a rather silly way; in a rude way; in such a way; in a certain way; you would be better off if; remain intact; remain relevant; make it less likely; in perfect harmony; perfect blend of; once considered; sad to say; perseverance paid off; pay off dividends;  earn notoriety; give a level playing field; declined to give; reason to believe; chinks in armor; plug the loophole;  as possible you must avoid conflict with Pakistan;  for the purpose of;